About my research…

I’m broadly interested in statistical/spatial ecology and wildlife conservation. I’m currently working on mammal abundance and distribution modeling focusing on game species. I combine different data sources such as camera-trap data, distance sampling or hunting statistics by using integrated distribution models in a hierarchical framework. I use Bayesian inference and cartography tools to help for evidence-based decision making in wildlife management and in the design of monitoring programs.

About me…

Graduated in Biology Sciences and Ms in Conservation Biology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain). I developed my PhD about phylogeny, biogeography and distribution of the corticioid fungus genus Xylodon (Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid, Spain). I worked during two years as researcher assistant at the Institute for Game and Wildlife Research IREC (UCLM – CSIC, Ciudad Real, Spain) for the ENETWILD project about mammal distribution at European scale. I performed one year postdoc at University of Massachusetts (Boston, USA) with Liam Revell and two year postdoc at Centre d’Ecologie Foncionnelle et Evolutive (Montpellier, France) with Olivier Gimenez. I’m currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Game and Wildlife Research IREC (UCLM – CSIC, Ciudad Real, Spain).


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