
Here you have some selected publications. Find more in my Google Schoolar profile or in my Researchgate.

Fernández-López, J., Acevedo, P. & Gimenez, O. La unión hace la fuerza: Modelos de distribución de especies integrando diferentes fuentes de datos: Ecosistemas 32, 2527 (2023).
Gochanour, B., Fernández-López, J. & Contina, A. abmR: An r package for agent-based model analysis of large-scale movements across taxa. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 218–230 (2023).
Fernández-López, J., Blanco-Aguiar, J. A., Vicente, J. & Acevedo, P. Can we model distribution of population abundance from wildlife–vehicles collision data? Ecography 2022, e06113 (2022).
Fernández-López, J., Telleria, M. T., Dueñas, M., May, T. & Martín, M. P. DNA barcode analyses improve accuracy in fungal species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution 11, 8993–9009 (2021).
Palencia, P., Fernández-López, J., Vicente, J. & Acevedo, P. Innovations in movement and behavioural ecology from camera traps: Day range as model parameter. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1201–1212 (2021).
Garrote, G., Fernández-López, J., Rojas, E., López, G. & Simón, M. A. Planning the peninsula-wide recovery of the iberian lynx: Identification of favourable habitat areas. Mammalia 84, 413–420 (2020).
Fernández-López, J. & Schliep, K. rWind: Download, edit and include wind data in ecological and evolutionary analysis. Ecography 42, 804–810 (2019).
Garrote, G., Fernández–López, J., López, G., Ruiz, G. & Simón, M. A. Prediction of iberian lynx road–mortality in southern spain: A new approach using the MaxEnt algorithm. Animal biodiversity and conservation 41, 217–225 (2018).
Tellería, J. L., Fernández-López, J. & Fandos, G. Effect of climate change on mediterranean winter ranges of two migratory passerines. PLOS ONE 11, 1–18 (2016).
Fernández-López, J., Fandos, G., Cano, L. S., García, F. J. & Tellería, J. L. Effect of wildlife refuges on small carnivores in a hunting area in mediterranean habitat. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 25, 45–46 (2014).